The latest updated version to the Venom Kodi addon is v3.6.4. Each update comes with a new section or improves other features to keep the addon in a good state. Being among the popular working addons in the Kodi community, the Venom addon has been receiving frequent add-on updates and new code development, which is making it much better. The Venom Kodi addon is one of the popular add-ons for movies, tv shows, and Recently Aired Content. Install the Crew Kodi addon to enjoy 4K streaming on your Kodi Box. This update comes with some Scraper updates, cfscrape update, Duplicate link checker, added Ororo, removed dead settings, Updated Dutch translation.
The addon has been updated to the latest version of v. The crew is a Kodi addon found in the ” The Crew Repository” which has quite a great sections for Movies, TV Shows, Kids, Sports, IPTV, Fitness,1 Click, Stand Up Comedy, Tools, Search, and more. See the full guide on how to install the Exodus Redux Addon here. Other changes are: Enabled “My Lists” by default, Added Greek + English provider option, Module version 2.0.3, Fixed Trakt and IMDB lists, Openscrapers 0.0.2, and Lambdascrapers replacement.